'Daypack Hikes' - Guided Paths and Trails
Frequently Asked Questions
How easy or tough are the walks (hikes)?
All the walks in our Daypack Hikes programme are based upon named Long Distance Paths, so they follow a fixed route, with a fixed mileage.
To try and provide a realistic indication of activity level all the tours are graded with regard to the terrain encountered along the route and daily mileages are indicated alongside each tour description. For details of our terrain grading system click here. Please read this section carefully. If you have any misgivings or doubts as to whether a particular tour is right for you, we will be more than happy to discuss it with you. Walking is generally at a relaxed pace, with time allowed to enjoy places of interest, spectacular views, lunch and coffee breaks, etc..
Our priority is for you to gain maximum enjoyment from your walking holiday, in safety. All of our leaders are experienced walkers and competent navigators and although they will make every effort to stick to the named route they may, from time to time, find it necessary to alter a route or part of the programme to allow for conditions. Such changes may be made in the interests of an individual, or the safety of the group as a whole. We ask that our guests respect the judgement of the tour leader, act prudently at all times, and follow the Country Code.
Please ensure that your read the information relating to your chosen holiday and that your level of fitness and preparedness are sufficient for the terrain and daily distances. Should our leader consider that you are ill prepared, either in terms of physical fitness or footwear/equipment, to the extent that you may endanger either yourself, or the group as a whole, he or she has the discretion to exclude you from the walks.
"The weather and Geoff made for a perfect week. The pace was just about right and it was lovely having time to be able to appreciate to the full the beautiful scenery, the wonderful spring flowers and the fabulous birds - it was almost too much of a feast to take in all at once!"
Hilary S, Oldbury, UK