'Daypack Hikes' - Guided Paths and Trails
Frequently Asked Questions
What can you tell me about the tour leader?
Each party is led by a walk leader whose aim is to take you into the heart of the countryside and to help you to get the best from the outstandingly beautiful areas you will visit. Footpath Holidays has around twenty walk leaders, all of whom are thoroughly competent and experienced outdoors people. As often as possible our leaders are local or have a special interest in the walk area. Most of our leaders have worked with us for a number of years.
All of our leaders hold a First Aid qualification.
“My daughter and I were on this trip and thoroughly enjoyed it. The organisation, transport, etc., went smoothly and our leader, Roy, was excellent. His quiet authority held the group together. Through fair weather and foul he was cheerful and positive; altogether great fun to be with.”
John B, Wimborne, UK